Prof. Teck-Hua HO


Current Roles

Current Roles

Nanyang Technological University
Distinguished University Professor

AI Singapore
Founding Executive Chairman

Academy of Engineering, Singapore



Professor Ho Teck Hua is the fifth President of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), where he is a Distinguished University Professor. He is also the founding Executive Chairman of AI Singapore (AISG) and President of the Academy of Engineering, Singapore.

Professor Ho is a prominent behavioural scientist with a PhD and a master's degree in decision sciences from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also holds a master’s degree in computer and information sciences and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering with first class honours, both from the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Before joining NTU, Professor Ho served as Senior Deputy President and Provost (2018-2023) and Deputy President (Research and Technology) (2015-2018) at NUS. He was the first awardee (in 2015) of the Singapore National Research Foundation’s Returning Singaporean Scientists Scheme, for projects on “Solving Societal Challenges Using Data-Driven Decision Sciences”. In 2017, he spearheaded the creation of AISG, a national research and development programme on artificial intelligence (AI). Under his leadership, AISG launched multiple signature projects, such as the use of AI to address national challenges in healthcare and education, 100Experiments projects to catalyse the adoption of cutting-edge AI solutions in industry, and the award-winning AI Apprenticeship Programme to build a pipeline of AI talent for Singapore.

As the Provost of NUS, he was responsible for developing and enhancing NUS’s Lifelong Learning (NUS L3) Programme, which is a pathway for postgraduate and continuing education. He was also responsible for attracting young global and Singaporean talent to NUS via the Presidential Young Professorship Scheme and recruiting established faculty members, including a Nobel Prize awardee, to join the University to head research centres and high-level international programmes. At NUS, he oversaw the creation of NUS College, the University’s first honours college, and the College of Design and Engineering. The latter was a merger of the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Design and Environment to create a stronger base for interdisciplinary research and education at the University. He also pioneered the development of career+, a smartphone app that leverages big data and AI to help students plan their education and careers.

Prior to serving at NUS, Professor Ho was the William Halford Jr Family Professor of Marketing at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business (2002-2015), Associate Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (1997-2002), and Assistant Professor of Operations and Technology Management at the University of California, Los Angeles’s Anderson School of Management (1994-1997). At the Haas School of Business, Professor Ho received the Earl F. Cheit Award for Excellence in MBA Teaching three years in a row (2004-2006) and the 2010 Distinguished Teaching Award, the University of California, Berkeley's highest university-level award for teaching. In 2015, he was presented with the Williamson Award, the Haas School’s highest faculty award, named in honour of Oliver Williamson, recipient of the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. The award celebrates honourees who best reflect the character and integrity associated with Williamson’s scholarly work and legacy.

Many of Professor Ho’s significant works have been published in refereed journals in the areas of behavioural economics, management science and marketing. He was Editor-in-Chief of Management Science, the venerable flagship journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, and one of the top journals for research in management.

In Singapore, Professor Ho is a member of the boards of DSO National Laboratories, the Government Technology Agency, and the National Research Foundation. He is an academician of Academia Sinica and a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). He has been awarded the Public Administration Medal (Gold) (2023) and the President's Science and Technology Medal (2024). The latter is Singapore’s top honour and is awarded to people who have made "distinguished, sustained and exceptional contributions" in advancing science and technology ecosystems in Singapore.



Behavioural Economics and Sciences
  1.  F. Holzmeister, M. Johannesson, C. F. Camerer, Y. Chen, T-H. Ho, S. Hoogeveen, J. Huber, N. Imai, T. Imai, L. Jin, M. Kirchler, A. Ly, B. Mandl, D. Manfredi, G. Nave, B. A. Nosek, T. Pfeiffer, A. Sarafoglou, R. Schwaiger, E-J. Wagenmakers, V. Waldén, A. Dreber, “Examining the Replicability of Online Experiments Selected by a Decision Market”, Nature Human Behaviour, 2024. (Published online on 19 November 2024)

  2.  T-H. Ho, S-C. Hsu, L. Jin, D. Kim, J. Kim, C. Leong, “How to Induce Honesty: Results from a Large-Scale Experiment”, Policy and Society, 2024. (Published online on 29 October 2024)

  3.  C. Yeung, T-H. Ho, R. Sato, N. Lim, R. M. Vam Dam, H. C. Tan, K. W. Tham, R. Ali, “Cash Incentives for Weight Loss Work Only for Males”, Behavioural Public Policy 8(2), 279-299, 2024.

  4.  C. Leong, L. Jin, D. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Y. Teo, T-H. Ho, “Assessing the Impact of Novelty and Conformity on Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccines Using mRNA Technology”, Communications Medicine 2, 61, 2022.

  5.  T-H. Ho, C. Leong, C. Yeung, “Success at Scale: Six Suggestions from Implementation and Policy Sciences”, Behavioural Public Policy 5(1), 71-79, 2021.

  6.  T-H. Ho, S. E. Park, X. Su, “A Bayesian Level-k Model in n-Person Games”, Management Science 67(3), 1622-1638, 2020.

  7.  C. F. Camerer, A. Dreber, F. Holzmeister, T-H. Ho, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler, G. Nave, B. Nosek, T. Pfeiffer, A. Altmejd, N. Buttrick, T. Chan, Y. Chen, A. Gampa, E. Forsell, E. Heikensten, L. Hummer, T. Imai, S. Isaksson, D. Manfredi, J. Rose, E. J. Wagenmakers, H. Wu, “Evaluating the Replicability of Social Science Experiments in Science & Nature between 2010 and 2015”, Nature Human Behaviour 2, 627-644, 2018.

  8.  T-H. Ho, I. P. L. Png, S. Reza, “Sunk Cost Fallacy in Driving the World's Costliest Cars”, Management Science 64(4), 1477-1973, 2018.

  9.  M. E. Schweitzer, T-H. Ho, X. Zhang, “How Monitoring Influences Trust: A Tale of Two Faces”, Management Science 64(1), 253-270, 2016.

  10.  D. J. Benjamin, J. O. Berger, M. Johannesson, B. A. Nosek, E. J. Wagenmakers, R. Berk, K. A. Bollen, B. Brembs, L. Brown, C. F. Camerer, D. Cesarini, C. D. Chambers, M. Clyde, T. D. Cook, P. De Boeck, Z. Dienes, A. Dreber, K. Easwaran, C. Efferson, E. Fehr, F. Fidler, A. P. Field, M. Forster, E. I. George, R. Gonzalez, S. Goodman, E. Green, D. P. Green, A. Greenwald, J. D. Hadfield, L. V. Hedges, L. Held, T-H. Ho, H. Hoijtink, J. H. Jones, D. J. Hruschka, K. Imai, G. Imbens, J. P. A. Ioannidis, M. Jeon, M. Kirchler, D. Laibson, J. List, R. Little, A. Lupia, E. Machery, S. E. Maxwell, M. McCarthy, D. Moore, S. L. Morgan, M. Munafó, S. Nakagawa, B. Nyhan, T. H. Parker, L. Pericchi, M. Perugini, J. Rouder, J. Rousseau, V. Savalei, F. D. Schönbrodt, T. Sellke, B. Sinclair, D. Tingley, T. Van Zandt, S. Vazire, D. J. Watts, C. Winship, R. L. Wolpert, Y. Xie, C. Young, J. Zinman, V. E. Johnson, “Redefine statistical significance”, Nature Human Behavior 2, 6-10, 2017.

  11.  C. F. Camerer, A. Dreber, E. Forsell, T-H. Ho, J. Huber, M. Johannesson, M. Kirchler, J. Almenberg, A. Altmejd, T. Chan, E. Heikensten, F. Holzmeister, T. Imai, S. Isaksson, G. Nave, T. Pfeiffer, M. Razen, H. Wu, “Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in Economics”, Science 10.1126/science.aaf0918.

  12.  J. K. Chong, T-H. Ho, C. F. Camerer, “A Generalized Cognitive Hierarchy Model of Games”, Games and Economic Behavior 99, 257-274, 2016.

  13.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “A Psychological Approach to Strategic Thinking in Games”, Current Opinion in Behavioural Science 3, 157-162, 2015.

  14.  T-H. Ho, C. Yeung, “How a One-time Incentive Can Induce Long-Term Commitment to Training”, California Management Review 57(2), 113-128, 2015.

  15.  T-H. Ho, C. Yeung, “Giving Feedback to Clients”, Management Science 60(8), 1926-1944, 2014.

  16.  T-H. Ho, X. Su, “A Dynamic Level-k Model in Sequential Games”, Management Science 59(2), 452-469, 2013.

  17.  F. G. Caro, T-H. Ho, D. McFadden, A. S. Gottlieb, C. Yee, T. Chan, J. Winter, “Using the internet to administer more realistic vignette experiments”, Social Science Computer Review, 30 (2), 184-201, 2012.

  18.  Y. Chen, T-H. Ho, Y. M. Kim, “Knowledge Market Design: A Field Experiment at Google Answers”, Journal of Public Economic Theory 12(4), 641-664, 2010.

  19.  T-H. Ho, X. Su, “Peer-induced Fairness in Games”, American Economic Review 99(5), 2022-2049, 2009.

  20.  E. B. Andrade, T-H. Ho, “Gaming Emotions in Social Interactions”, Journal of Consumer Research 36(4), 539-552, 2009. Note: Lead article.

  21.  T-H. Ho, X. Wang, C. F. Camerer, “Individual Differences in EWA Learning with Partial Payoff Information”, The Economic Journal 118(525), 37-59, 2008.

  22.  E. B. Andrade, T-H. Ho, “How is the Boss's Mood Today? I Want a Raise”, Psychological Science 18(8), 668-671, 2007.

  23.  T-H. Ho, C. F. Camerer, J. K. Chong, “Self-tuning Experience Weighted Attraction Learning in Games”, Journal of Economic Theory 133(1), 177-198, 2007.

  24.  J. K. Chong, C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “A Learning-based Model of Repeated Games with Incomplete Information”, Games and Economic Behavior 55(2), 340-371, 2006.

  25.  T-H. Ho, K. Weigelt, “Trust Building Among Strangers”, Management Science 51(4), 519-530, 2005. Note: Lead article; Finalist, John D. C. Little Best Paper Award.

  26.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “A Cognitive Hierarchy Model of Games”, Quarterly Journal of Economics 119(3), 861-898, 2004.

  27.  T-H. Ho, C. Tang, “Introduction to Special Issue on Marketing and Operations Management Interfaces and Coordination”, Management Science 50(4), 429-430, 2004.

  28.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, K. Chong, “Models of Thinking, Learning, and Teaching in Games”, The American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 93(2), 192-195, 2003.

  29.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “Sophisticated Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning and Strategic Teaching in Repeated Games”, Journal of Economic Theory 104(1), 137-188, 2002.

  30.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Experience-weighted Attraction Learning in Normal Form Games”, Econometrica 67(4), 827-874, 1999.

  31.  T-H. Ho, C. F. Camerer, K. Weigelt, “Iterated Dominance and Iterated Best Response in Experimentalp-Beauty Contests”, The American Economic Review 88(4), 947-969, 1998.

  32.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning in Coordination Games: Probability Rules, Heterogeneity, and Time-Variation”, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 42(2-3), 305-326, 1998.

  33.  T-H. Ho, K. Weigelt, “Task Complexity, Equilibrium Selection, and Learning: An Experimental Study”, Management Science 42(5), 659-679, 1996.

  34.  T-H. Ho, “Finite Automata Play Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma with Information Processing Costs”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 20(1-3), 173-207, 1996.

  35.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Violations of the Betweenness Axiom and Nonlinearity in Probability”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 8(2), 167-196, 1994.

  36. Management Science

  37.  T-H. Ho, N. Lim, S. Reza, X. Xia, “Causal Inference Models in Operations Management”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 19(4), 509–525, 2017.

  38.  T-H. Ho, X. Su, Y. Wu, “Distributional and Peer-induced Fairness in Supply Chain Contract Design”, Production and Operations Management 23(2), 161-175, 2014. Note: Second Place Winner of the 2014 Wickham Skinner Best Paper Award.

  39.  B. M. Barber, T-H. Ho, and T. Odean, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Behavioral Economics and Finance”, Management Science 58(1), 1-1, 2012.

  40.  T-H. Ho, N. Lim, T-H. Cui, “Reference Dependence in Multilocation Newsvendor Models: A Structural Analysis”, Management Science 56(11), 1891-1910, 2010.

  41.  Z. J. Ren, M. A. Cohen, T-H. Ho, C. Terwiesch, “Information Sharing in a Long-term Supply Chain Relationship: The Role of Customer Review Strategy”, Operations Research 58(1), 81-93, 2010.

  42.  T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing and Operations Management Interfaces and Coordination”, Production and Operations Management 18(4), 363-364, 2009.

  43.  C. Terwiesch, Z. J. Ren, T-H. Ho, M. A. Cohen, “An Empirical Analysis of Forecast Sharing in the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain”, Management Science 51(2), 208-220. 2005.

  44.  T-H. Ho, Y. S. Zheng, “Setting Customer Expectation in Service Delivery: An Integrated Marketing-Operations Perspective”, Management Science 50(4), 479-488, 2004.

  45.  M. A. Cohen, T-H. Ho, Z. J. Ren, C. Terwiesch, “Measuring Imputed Costs in the Semiconductor Equipment Supply Chain”, Management Science 49(12), 1653-1670, 2003.

  46.  H. Rhim, T-H. Ho, U. S. Karmarkar, “Competitive Location, Production, and Market Selection”, European Journal of Operations Research 149(1), 211-228, 2003.

  47.  T-H. Ho, S. Savin, C. Terwiesch, “Managing Demand and Sales Dynamics in New Product Diffusion Under Supply Constraint”, Management Science 48(2), 187-206, 2002.

  48.  M. A. Cohen, J. Eliashberg, T-H. Ho, “An Analysis of Several New Product Performance Metrics”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 2(4), 337-349, 2000.

  49.  M. A. Cohen, J. Eliasberg, T-H. Ho, “New Product Development: The Performance and Time-to-Market Tradeoff”, Management Science 42(2), 173-186, 1996.

  50. Quantitative Marketing and Data Science

  51.  S. C. Kou, S. Yang, C. J. Chang, T-H. Ho, L. Graver, “Unmasking the Actual COVID-19 Case Count”, Clinical Infectious Diseases 71(11), 2949–2951, 2020.

  52.  T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, X. Xia, “Yellow taxis have fewer accidents than blue taxis because yellow is more visible than blue”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(12), 3074-3078, 2017.

  53.  R. N. Borkovsky, P. B. Ellickson, B. R. Gordon, V. Aguirregabiria, P. Gardete, P. Grieco, T. Gureckis, T-H. Ho, L. Mathevet, A. Sweeting, “Multiplicity of equilibria and information structures in empirical games: challenges and prospects”, Marketing Letters 26(2), 115-125, 2015.

  54.  T-H. Ho, S. Li, S. E. Park, Z. J. M. Shen, “Customer Influence Value and Purchase Acceleration in New Product Diffusion”, Marketing Science 31(2), 236-256, 2012.

  55.  F. G. Caro, C. Yee, S. Levien, A. S. Gottlieb, J. Winter, D. L. McFadden, T-H. Ho, “Choosing Among Residential Options: Results of a Vignette Experiment”, Research on Ageing 34(1), 3-33, 2012.

  56.  A. Goldfarb, T-H. Ho, W. Amaldoss, A. L. Brown, Y. Chen, T. H. Cui, A. Galasso, T. Hossain, M. Hsu, N. Lim, M. Xiao, B. Yang, “Behavioral Models of Managerial Decision Making”, Marketing Letters 23(2), 405-421, 2012.

  57.  W. Amaldoss, T-H. Ho, A. Krishna, K. Y. Chen, P. Desai, G. Iyer, S. Jain, N. Lim, J. Morgan, R. Oprea, J. Srivasatava, “Experiments on strategic choices and markets”, Marketing Letters 19(3-4), 417-429, 2008.

  58.  T-H. Ho, J. Zhang., “Designing Pricing Contracts for Boundedly Rational Customers: Does the Framing of the Fixed Fee Matter?”, Management Science 54(4), 686-700, 2008.

  59.  T-H. Ho, K. Y. Chen, “New Product Blockbusters: The Magic and Science of Prediction Markets”, California Management Review 50(1), 144-158, 2007.

  60.  N. Lim, T-H. Ho, “Designing Price Contracts for Boundedly Rational Customers: Does the Number of Blocks Matter?”, Marketing Science 26(3), 312-326, 2007.

  61.  T-H. Ho, N. Lim, C. F. Camerer, “How Psychological Should Economic and Marketing Models Be?”, Journal of Marketing Research 43(3), 341-344, 2006.

  62.  T-H. Ho, N. Lim, C. F. Camerer, “Modeling the Psychology of Consumer and Firm Behavior with Behavioral Economics”, Journal of Marketing Research 43(3), 307-331, 2006. Note: Lead article; Finalist, William F. O’Dell Award.

  63.  T-H. Ho, Y. H. Park, Y. P. Zhou, “Incorporating Satisfaction into Customer Value Analysis: Optimal Investment in Lifetime Value”, Marketing Science 25(3), 260-277, 2006.

  64.  T. Erdem, K. Srinivasan, W. Amaldoss, P. Bajari, H. Che, T-H. Ho, W. Hutchinson, M. Katz, M. Keane, R. Meyer, P. Reiss, “Theory-Driven Choice Models”, Marketing Letters 16 (3-4), 225-237, 2005.

  65.  E. T. Bradlow, Y. Hu, T-H. Ho, “A Learning-based Model for Imputing Missing Levels in Partial Conjoint Profiles”, Journal of Marketing Research 41(4), 369-381, 2004. Note: Lead article; Finalist, JMR-Paul Green Award.

  66.  E. T. Bradlow, Y. Hu, T-H. Ho, “Modeling Behavioral Regularities of Consumer Learning in Conjoint Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research 41(4), 392-396, 2004.

  67.  T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “A Parsimonious Model of Stockkeeping-Unit Choice”, Journal of Marketing Research 40(3), 351-365, 2003.

  68.  D. Chakravarti, E. Greenleaf, A. Sinha, A. Cheema, J. C. Cox, D. Friedman, T-H. Ho, R. M. Isaac, A. A. Mitchell, A. Rapoport, M. H. Rothkopf, J. Srivastava, R. Zwick, “Auctions: Research Opportunities in Marketing”, Marketing Letters 13(3), 281-296, 2002.

  69.  J. K. Chong, T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, “A Modeling Framework for Category Assortment Planning”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 3(3), 191-210, 2001. Note: Lead article.

  70.  C. S. Tang, D. R. Bell, T-H. Ho, “Store Choice and Shopping Behavior: How Price Format Works”, California Management Review 43(2), 56-74, 2001.

  71.  T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, D. R. Bell, “Rational Shopping Behavior and the Option Value of Variable Pricing”, Management Science 44 (12-Part-2), 145-160, 1998. Note: Lead article.

  72.  D. R. Bell, T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, “Determining Where to Shop: Fixed and Variable Costs of Shopping”, Journal of Marketing Research 35(3), 352-369, 1998.

  73.  M. A. Cohen, J. Eliashberg, T-H. Ho, “An Anatomy of a Decision-Support System for Developing and Launching Line Extensions”, Journal of Marketing Research 34(1), 117-129, 1997.

  74. Computing and Artificial Intelligence

  75.  Y. Chen, Z. Dai, H. Yu, B. K. H. Low, T-H. Ho, “Recursive Reasoning-Based Training-Time Adversarial Machine Learning”, Artificial Intelligence 315, 103837, 2023.

  76.  Z. Dai, Y. Chen, B. K. H. Low, P. Jaillet, T-H. Ho, “R2-B2: Recursive Reasoning-Based Bayesian Optimization for No-Regret Learning in Games”, 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020.

  77.  T. Chan, S. L. Chung, T-H. Ho, “An Economic Model to Estimate Software Rewriting and Replacement Times”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 22(8), 580-598, 1996.

  78.  R. T. Watson, T-H. Ho, K. S. Raman, “Culture: A Fourth Dimension of Group Support Systems”, Communications of the ACM 37(10), 44-55, 1994.

  79.  T-H. Ho, K. S. Raman, “The Effect of GDSS and Elected Leadership on Small Group Meetings”, Journal of Management Information Systems 8(2), 109-133, 1991.

  80.  T. Chan, S. Chung, T-H. Ho, “Timing of Software Replacement”, in Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference On Information Systems, 291-307, 1994.

  81.  T-H. Ho, K. S. Raman, R. T. Watson, “Group Decision Support Systems: The Cultural Factor”, in Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Systems, Boston, 119-129, 1989.

  1.  T-H. Ho, C. Tang (Eds.), Product Variety Management: Research Advances, Springer, 1998.

Chapters and Essays
  1.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Behavioral Game Theory Experiments and Modeling”, in Handbook of Game Theory Volume 4, 517-574. North-Holland: Elsevier, 2015.

  2.  T-H. Ho, X. Su, “Strategic pricing response and optimization in operations management”, Handbook of Pricing Research in Marketing, 2009.

  3.  T-H. Ho, “Individual Learning in Games”, Blume, L. and Durlauf, S., (eds.) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Palgrave Macmillian, 2008.

  4.  J. K. Chong, C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Cognitive Hierarchy: A Limited Thinking Theory of Games”, in Experimental Business Research, Vol. II., Zwick, R. and Rapoport A. (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

  5.  M. E. Schweitzer, T-H. Ho, “Trust But Verify: Monitoring in Interdependent Relationships, in Experimental and Behavioral Economics (Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol. 13), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 87-106, 2005.

  6.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “Behavioral Game Theory: Thinking, Learning and Teaching”, in Essays in Honor of Werner Guth, Huck, S. (Ed.), 2005. Note: Presented at the 2001 Nobel Symposium.

  7.  J. K. Chong, T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, “Demand Modeling in Product Line Trimming: Substitutability and Variability”, in Managing Business Interfaces: Marketing, Engineering, and Manufacturing Perspectives, Chakravarty, A. and Eliashberg, J. (Eds.), 39-62, 2004.

  8.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, J. K. Chong, “Learning and Equilibrium in Games”, in Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, Plott, C. and Smith, V. (Eds.). North-Holland, 2003.

  9.  C. F. Camerer, D. Hsia, T-H. Ho, “EWA Learning in Bilateral Call Markets”, in Experimental Business Research, Zwick, R. and Rapoport, A. (Eds.). New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Note: Refereed.

  10.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Strategic Learning and Teaching”, in Hoch, S. and Kunreuther, H. (Eds.), Wharton on Making Decisions. John Wiley & Sons, 159-175, 2001.

  11.  M. A. Cohen, T-H. Ho, H. Matsuo, “Operations Planning in the Presence of Innovative Diffusion Dynamics”, in New Product Diffusion Models, Mahajan, V., Muller, E. and Wind, J. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 237-262, 2000. Note: Refereed.

  12.  C. F. Camerer, T-H. Ho, “Experience-weighted Attraction Learning in Games: Estimates from Weak-Link Games”, in Games and Human Behavior: Essays in Honor of Amnon Rapoport, Budescu, D., Evev, I. and Zwick, R. (Eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associations, Inc., 31-52, 1999. Note: Refereed.

  13.  J. K. Chong, T-H. Ho, C. S. Tang, “Product Structure, Brand Width and Brand Share”, in Product Variety Management, Ho, T-H and Tang, C. (Eds.). Springer, 1998.

  14.  T-H. Ho, K. Weigelt, “Game Theory and Competitive Strategy”, in Wharton on Dynamic Competitive Strategies, Day, G. and Reibstein, D. (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, 1998, 127-150. Note: Reprinted in B. de Wit and R. Meyer, Strategy: Process, Content, Context. International Thomson Business Press, 1998.

  15.  M. A. Cohen, J. Eliashberg, T-H. Ho, “New Product Design Strategy Analysis: A Modeling Framework”, in Management of Design: Engineering and Management Perspectives, Dasu, S. and Eastman, C. (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 45-60, 1994.



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